Some historical accounts suggest that coffee cultivation first started in Colombia around the year 1730 after being brought into the country via Venezuela from Martinique, but most coffee historians agree the first coffee tree was not planted until 1784 and it would be another 50 years before commercial coffee production on a larger scale was established around 1835. By 1885 coffee exports from Colombia were registered at 47 million pounds and from then on both production and exports rapidly grew, almost doubling in the next 20 years to reach 80 million pounds in 1906, according to Ukers. Colombia would produce its all-time record when the harvest in the 1991-92 crop cycle yielded 18.2 million 60-kg bags, before seeing output stabilizing in a range between 11.5 million and 13 million bags in the decade up until the climate crisis hit Colombia in 2008, according to the ICO.
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