Origin Focus
11689 views December 3, 2013 posted by Maja Wallengren

What Caused The Real Production Crisis For Colombia’s Coffee Growers?


The crisis in the Colombian coffee lands would continue to get worse, with production in the next 2009-10 year falling to 8.098 million bags – one of the smallest crops in 50 years – and making matters even worse was the constantly changing weather from excessive rain to drought, which allowed for multiple outbreaks of crop pests. By November 2009 coffee delivered to Fedecafe mills in Caldas province in the central Eje Cafetero region was reported to have average infestation rates of 20 to 25 percent broca, compared to normal levels below 3 percent. While the central and northern regions had to fight the rapid increase in broca, the southern regions in Colombia were hit by a massive outbreak of coffee leaf rust which by April 2010 led to between 50 and 75 percent of all coffee tress across Huila, Nariño and the Caucas to be infested by the fungus.


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