AUG. 15, 2013 (Boyd’sCoffee)–Women play a major role in coffee production throughout the world, but they often have little or no control over the economics of coffee transactions. This all changes with the new Harvested by Women™ certification, which gives women in coffee-producing countries more financial investment in the production process from bean to cup. Boyd’s Coffee is proud to be the first coffee roaster in the United States committed to purchasing the new Harvested by Women™ Certified Coffee. Boyd’s will sell ¡Café Libre!, a Costa Rican single-origin coffee, in select grocery stores, such as New Seasons Market, as well as on the Boyd’s Coffee website and in select foodservice accounts. A 25-cent donation from each retail package of ¡Café Libre! goes directly to non-profit organizations in coffee-producing countries, in addition to an initial donation made at the time of purchasing the bulk green coffee beans.
“As a family-owned coffee company, we stand behind a coffee certification that is empowering women to create a more sustainable future for their families,” says Katy Boyd Dutt, a fourth-generation Boyd family member. Dutt first learned about the new certification at the International Women’s Coffee Alliance conference in Guatemala this past winter and expressed interest to Nancy Moore, the certification’s co-founder. “The pioneering spirit has been in our blood since 1900,” says Dutt. “We were the first certified roaster to sell organically grown coffee in 1990 and the first U.S. roaster to import Rainforest Alliance Certified™ coffee in 1999. The new Harvested by Women™ certification allows women to reinvest in their communities, and that is an economic incentive we can stand behind.”
About Harvested by Women™ Certified Coffee
Co-founded by Nancy Moore of Almana Harvest, the new Harvested by Women™ Certified is the only worldwide verification system that ensures coffee is grown, harvested and sold in a way that promotes a fair and sustainable lifestyle for the women involved in the coffee production. “When consumers purchase coffee with the Harvested by Women™ logo on the package, we guarantee that the women associated with its production are fairly compensated for their contributions,” says Moore. “Currently, the funds are being used for scholarships for women to attend training sessions on sustainable farming, cupping and grafting.”
For information about Boyd Coffee Company’s products and services, call 800-545-4077 or visit www.boyds.com.
About Boyd’s Coffee: Boyd’s Coffee is one of the oldest family-owned coffee companies in the world. Founded in 1900 in Portland, Oregon, Boyd’s has a long, storied history of helping restaurants, hotels and convenience stores attract and keep customers by providing them with consistently excellent coffee, tea and other beverages.
At Boyd’s, we don’t believe that coffee bestows status or makes a statement about the person who drinks it. We believe that people are capable of making their own statements. We hold that coffee is fuel not fashion. It is what it has always been: a reward for good work, done well; and a kick in the pants to get back out there and do some more. That’s the legacy of coffee in America and that’s the Boyd’s legacy as well.
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