Coffee of The Day
41249 views February 15, 2024 posted by Maja Wallengren

Coffee of The Day: Manu Reva From Remote Rurutu in the Austral Islands, French Polynesia

Tahiti Coffee Manu Reva From Rurutu

From SpillingTheBeans’ rare coffee selection of beans from “the World’s tiniest coffee islands” this Sunday we present a Coffee of the Day from the remote island of Rututu, part of the Austral Island group archipelago which are the southern most group of islands in French Polynesia.

Manu Reva – which in Polynesian language literally translated means “a place of birds” and which in modern Polynesian culture is used as the word for airport – are all based on beans originating from Rurutu, one of the two primary coffee growing islands in French Polynesia. The other main coffee island is Rapa Iti, which only can be reached by cargo ship once a month.

SpillingTheBeans has been privileged to be able to visit the coffee growing regions across Rurutu where coffee production is the main source of income for over 25 percent of the population. The coffee is surprisingly balanced, with a mild acidity, yet character and a very smooth aroma.

Tahiti Coffee in Rurutu

Coffee producer at Rurutu island in French Polynesia.heart


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  • We just came back from FP and we are about to finish the last of the Manu Reva coffee. Is there some way to order more of this delightful coffee? I would put it on par with the Kona coffees we have tried.

    • Hey guys, thanks for the comment and if only I knew where one could buy this coffee outside the Polynesian islands. I don’t know of any place yet to establish online sales of FP coffees and it really is a shame… but if I hear of anything I will definitively post it here. As for my personal appraisal, I’d actually say the Many Reva coffee I bought was far superior to Kona coffees, but then like always with coffee, that does vary from one harvest to the next 🙂

  • You can buy it here for $13.63 for a 250 gram pack.

    • Wuah,that is FANTASTIC news John, thanks so much for sharing this info and link with the readers, really appreciate it 🙂

  • Maja, after reading on your newsletter of the coffee you consider best, for monthes i tried to find Manu Reva from the Australes all over the web, allsways finding a restaurant/hotel in Tahiti,and found a website, had bought some Tahitian grown coffee, and asked them about your Manu…..originally they said it was produced by the same distributor they used, and would try to secure some…today they sent me an email, and they now list Manu Reva, in the same tan bag with sailing ship, I bought some , and thought you might want to let your blog readers know of such a chance to purchase! From a loyal reader, and cafe enthusiast,Arthur Greenberg, in the suburbs of NYC some 50 miles to the East

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