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5055 views October 24, 2014 posted by Maja Wallengren

Brazil’s Bahia Coffee Farmers Take Top-5 Spots In 100th Cup Of Excellence

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OCT 24, 2014 (GCR Magazine)–Cup of ExcellenceFarmers from the Planalto Baiano (Piata) producing region of Bahia, Brazil, won the top five awards in the 100th Cup of Excellence competition, held at University of Viçosa, Brazil, last week.

According to the Alliance for Coffee Excellence (ACE), Cândido Vladimir Ladeira Rosa – whose score of 94.05 points was enough to see him crowned winner – jumped out of his seat to accept the prestigious award. The international jury described the Bahia coffees as having prolonged honey and sugarcane sweetness with a lively, complex but refined acidity, with diverse fruit flavors and a long, sweet aftertaste.

More than 340 farms, representing 13 regions throughout Brazil, submitted samples into the competition. The first COE was held in Brazil 15 years ago, and the awards returned to its Brazilian origins to celebrate the centenial.
“The milestone competition created fierce rivalry among Brazil’s finest coffee farmers, adding anticipation and excitement, as the audience waited to hear which coffee regions would be honored this year,” said ACE, in a statement.

Of the 21 winners, 10 were from Piata, seven were from Mata de Minas, two were from Mantiqueira de Minas, one was from Espírito Santo and one was from Cerrado Mineiro.

These rare coffees will be shipped from Brazil within the next two weeks. Coffee companies can bid for the chance to own the exclusive 100th Cup of Excellence coffees on 26 November during the Internet auction.



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