Coffee of The Day
8711 views January 12, 2015 posted by Maja Wallengren

DIRECT From Jamaica, SpillingTheBeans Has Arrived In The Caribbean For Coffee History Research Trip


JAN 12 (SpillingTheBeans)–SpillingTheBeans is CRAZY excited to let you know that she has arrived in Jamaica, as the first leg of a 5-island tour through the Caribbean which will focus on reporting and researching the early coffee history from around 1720 when coffee growing was introduced to Martinique by French naval captain Gabriel De Clieu.

In her first coffee trip of 2015 SpillingTheBeans author and independent analyst Maja Wallengren will visit coffee regions across Jamaica, Guadeloupe, Martinique, the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico to report on some of the worlds tiniest coffee islands, the early coffee history in the Americas and the inter-relation between coffee and the slave trade.

SpillingTheBeans is PROUD to add Jamaica as her Nr 43 coffee origin to visit for first hand reporting and research.

Stay tuned for more updates from the exotic coffee nations of the Caribbean — part of the chapter “A Caribbean Odyssey” and the final research for the upcoming book from Spilling The Beans — coming up here next!

*For more on this and how “SpillingTheBeans Gets Honored With Her Own Coffee Tree in Jamaica” please see:

Happy Coffee Drinkingheart


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