9716 views January 24, 2014 posted by Maja Wallengren

India Coffee Board Cuts 2013-14 Coffee Crop Forecast By 10% On Drought, Heavy Rains


JAN 23 (SpillingTheBeans)–Coffee production in India is forecast to drop 2.2 percent to 5.183 million 60-kilogram bags of mixed Arabica and Robusta beans, the Coffee Board of India told the local Economic Times.

The downward revision of the initial forecast for the current harvest comes after a prolonged drought in the key southern producing states of Karnataka and Kerela was followed by excessive rains from the Monsoon, damaging the flowering and premature cherries in the process, the board said.

This represents a cut of 10 percent from the initial forecast for a crop pegged to yield 5.714 million bags, and compares to production of 5.3 million bags in the last 2012-13 harvest year.

For more coffee news about India, please see: http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/markets/commodities/coffee-output-may-fall-by-2-2-per-cent-this-year-due-to-crop-damage/articleshow/28349798.cms


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