SpillingTheBeans is excited to be speaking at the 2nd International Ethiopian Coffee Conference in Addis Ababa from Nov. 4-5, 2013. The title of this conference “Global Coffee Market Outlook 2013-14 – Opportunities for the Ethiopian Coffee Sector” will take a look at the multiple issues affecting the coffee market at the moment, specifically seeking to address the paradox that while world coffee consumption is experiencing the biggest boom in history coffee prices are trading near 5-year lows and throwing hundreds of thousands producers into social disaster and despair. Despite this negative sentiment, there is a lot of reasons for optimism ahead and this presentation will provide a comprehensive overlook at what is moving the current market and what kind of opportunities this present to industry stake holders, with a special eye to the impact for Ethiopia’s coffee sector.
For more about the event, please see: http://ethiopianfinecoffees.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Program-online.pdf

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