Coffee of The Day
22202 views September 1, 2024 posted by Maja Wallengren

Coffee of The Day: Kaldi’s Coffee From Ethiopia’s Southern Kaffa Province


In honor of my visit this week to Ethiopia, the birthplace of Coffea Arabica, I am republishing a number of my special reports on this awesome country and its wonderful countries. Amesege’nallo Ethiopia for bringing coffee to the world!


Today is my birthday, and it only seems appropriate to say Happy Birthday to myself with a truly outstanding coffee, and nothing beats a coffee from the origin of all origins of coffee: One of the most delightful and delicious coffees straight from the south-western coffee lands of Ethiopia where Arabica coffee first was discovered growing in the wild.

Thanks to the legend of Kaldi and his dancing goats, this is where coffee was first discovered around the 6th Century according to most historical accounts; My coffee today is an espresso blend from the Kaffa region sold by the Kaldi’s Coffee house chain in Addis Ababa. Bold and powerful aroma, balanced acidity yet smooth and simply delicious!

SpillingTheBeans is delighted to wish all our friends, followers and coffee lovers a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR and all the very best for 2015 with this wonderful coffee from Ethiopia – the Birth Place of coffee! heart


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  • Hallo Maja, I meat you at the airport of Addis and you used my phone, if you remember me. Now I am back in Sweden after 2 wonderful weeks in Ethiopia. And of cause I have enjoined the traditional coffee ceremony.
    I am really impressed of the nice Ethiopian people and the beautiful landscape and I really hope to come back again.regards Bo

    • Great to hear from you Bo and I can only agree with your assessment of the people in Ethiopia, I have always loved coming here for all the same reasons, plus — of course — the great BUNA you get everywhere! I hope you’ll be able to find some good Ethiopian coffee back in Sweden 🙂 Thanks for your comment and greeting

  • Great to be reminded of this article! Remember, we briefly worked together at ACDI-VOCA, then.

    • Ame’seginaleh’u my dear Tesfaye, yes the story of Ethiopa and how coffee ever first came to arrive in the world is truly one of the most WONDERFUL stories of all time 🙂

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