6378 views August 16, 2013 posted by Maja Wallengren

Brazil Coffee Exports Seen Up 7% To 30.5M Bags In 2013, Says Cecafe


AUG 16 (SpillingTheBeans)–Coffee exports from Brazil, the world’s largest coffee producing and exporting country, are seen rising 7 percent to 30.5 million 60-kilogram bags in calendar year 2013, Brazil’s Coffee Exporters Council, Cecafe, said in a report.

This compares to total exports of about 28.5 million bags in 2012, but is 12 percent below the record exports of 34.5 million bags registered in 2011, Cecafe figures showed. The record export volume in 2011 was primarily attributed to the record 2011-12 harvest, which according to most private figures and estimated yielded between 54 million and 55 million bags in production.

“In the 2012-2013 crop year the general quality was affected by the heavy and continuous rains during the harvest which resulted in a reduction of both the export volume and caused big delays in the processing and flow of the coffee to the market,” Ceface’s Director General Guilherme Braga told SpillingTheBeans, adding it’s still too early to predict the outcome of quality from the new harvest currently underway and by some exporters is believed to surpass the volume recorded in 2011-12 harvest.

Cecafe also said Brazilian coffee exports in the month of July were up 1.6 percent at 2.16 million bags, compared to the 2.12 million bags exported in the same month last year. But Braga said shipments are expected to pick up in the months from August through December despite a slow start to exports from the new harvest.heart


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