*BREAKING: Extreme Cold Hits Brazil Coffee Regions With Frost Damage and EXTREME COLD TO continue 2 more days!!
*NEW FROST damage was confirmed Mon morning even if not as severe as Sun, Varginha and Pocos areas reported temps as low as 2.7 C, and farms in Cerrado and Pedregulho areas have CONFIRMED frost DAMAGE in 10% of farms.
*It was SNOWING in Southern Minas Mon morning, LOTS of reports with videos and pictures of snow and NEW FROST from Mon morning, today also in Brazil’s TOP growing region of SOUTHERN MINAS.
*Brazil’s Inmet has AGAIN UPDATED the frost warnings for Tue and Wed, and for BOTH days frost in near ALL #COFFEE regions in Brazil are INTENSIFIED !!
*Monster FROST WAVE to hit ALL coffee regions with extreme cold Tue morning.
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AUG 11, 2024 (SpillingTheBeans)–BREAKING #KC: Global #coffee supplies are already running up a HISTORIC and UNPRECEDENTED supply deficit of min 22-24M bags, against CATASTROPHIC losses of min 20-22M and ONLY remaining stocks at 15-16M in importing ports, and in addition to HORRIFIC weather disasters already affecting 80-85% of world 2024-24 crop Brazil has now been hit with frost!!

This cld push the already very badly hit Brazil 2025 crop into the 44-48M range and possibly even lower with both ES-conilon HAMMERED and not even remotely close to recover and now adding FURTHER losses to already bleak arabica outlook as well, and MORE pruning to already SEVERELY reduced area in production!!
MARK MY WORDS, The World is Running Out of Coffee and by this time next year the market will be living from one harvest to the next!! End game #KC!!

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