Origin Focus
5804 views November 2, 2014 posted by Maja Wallengren

China Arabica Beans Pick Up Demand As Quality Improves


Exact data and statistics of the break-down of different types of coffees are not available from China, but local industry sources say Arabica coffee is by far where most of the rise in demand is seen. All China’s own coffee production is Arabica and 60 percent of imports are green coffee, and green coffee imports have been taking over an increasing share of the rise in imports in recent years. Soluble coffee, which for years was one of the only sources of coffee available in China, is today about even with roast and ground coffee offered eager new customers. As for the local Arabica coffee coming to the market in rapidly bigger volumes, most of these beans are consumed with pride in the local market, especially across the growing producing province of Yunnan, and the key commercial centers of Shanghai, Hong Kong and the capital Beijing. Cuppers have found the mild washed arabica beans from Yunnan to have a medium-bodied coffee with light acidity but well-rounded aroma, which makes for a perfect match when blending the coffee with more robust and earthy flavors such as Sumatran beans.


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