Coffee of The Day
11704 views March 1, 2021 posted by Maja Wallengren

Coffee of The Day: Jewell From Ecuador’s Galapagos Islands


My Coffee of the Day is from the rare and unique Galapagos Islands. From giant sea turtles to mini-dinosours Marine Iguanas, the word exotic doesn’t even start to cover all the natural wonders that Ecuador is home to and – thankfully – coffee is one of them! My coffee is a medium roast blend by roasters ES-Coffee, from the rich volcanic soils of the Galapagos, where coffee is grown on many islands. Despite the coffee not grown at very high altitudes here the unique micro-climates results in a surprisingly good bean selection with balanced body and a very rich aroma.

For more coffee news on coffee in Ecuador, stay tuned for the publication NEXT WEEK of my special series right HERE! And don’t forget to subscribe to the FREE news letter.heart


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