Dear Followers, a friend of mine who is passionate about coffee brought this story to my attention, and while I’m not convinced about how this would work, as any coffee lover I sure find it curious, so here’s for a little bit of different coffee news, and if nothing else, to share a coffee laugh with you 🙂
Do people really want sprayable energy? The New Coffee Is Made for Your Skin
One pocket-sized bottle of “Sprayable Energy,” a prototype caffeinated skin spray, contains the equivalent of 40 cups of coffee. Demand for the product is already feverish.
“Coffee and energy drinks can give you a quick boost, but they come with a ton of issues, and can cause you to crash.”
That, according to the pitch from Harvard undergrad Ben Yu and venture capitalist Deven Soni, is why we need Sprayable Energy—a caffeine product that the user absorbs through their skin. Creators Yu and Soni recommend that one spray it “in the same places you would a fragrance (like your neck).”
A lot of energy-product pitches start by telling us how bad coffee and energy drinks are. Then, by the end, they admit that the active ingredient in their product, too, is caffeine. The Sprayable Energy pitch is no exception, eventually siding with its demons: “You spray it on your skin to get the alertness and focus you would from coffee or energy drinks.”
Sprayable Energy is also no exception to the caffeinated product register in that people love the idea. Yu and Soni unveiled the spray with the August 7 launch of a campaign to fund the first round of production. Their goal was to crowd-source $15,000 dollars in eight weeks. Less than half way through, they have already raised more than double that—currently $36,000.
For the full article, see: http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2013/08/the-new-coffee-is-made-for-your-skin/279053/
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