Origin Focus
14931 views September 19, 2013 posted by Maja Wallengren

Galapagos Islands, Ecuador’s Coffee Jewel


But one of Ecuador’s undisputed jewels in coffee is found at the rare and exotic wonder of nature at the Galapagos Islands. Galapagos has long been famous for being one of the world’s last sanctuaries to giant sea turtles and the rich volcanic soils provides unique micro-climates that, despite not grown at very high altitudes, have produced surprisingly good and aroma-rich coffees.


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  • Dear Maya: Does your company sell green unroasted Galapagos Island beans? I would like to buy
    5-10 pounds.

    Thanking you in advance Dan Page

    PS: May I send you a PMO
    & if so to whom shall I make
    it payable to &to what address?

    • Dear Dan, thanks for your mail, I have written you via regular email to avoid too much spam getting here. Best regards, Maja

  • Would you happen to know where I could purchase green Galapagos Island coffee beans?

    Thank you.

    • Hi Rodney, I haven’t forgotten your request but I am in touch with two suppliers and I am waiting for them to get back to me with contact details for where in the U.S. you can buy green beans from Galapagos. I’ll let you know as soon as I hear back 🙂

  • Very interesting read, are the farmers that are producing the coffee organized as an Estate type system, or are there several small-scale farmers producing this coffee?

    • Thanks Kyle, and yes it is a very piece of the industry, because even if it’s a tiny industry, there is coffee on 4 of the Galapagos islands and while there are few large estates, all the rest are small-holder growers, more or the less organized in voluntary coop-systems.

  • Maja : You promised to e-mail me after your trip to the Gapalagos Islands. You failed to do so thus far. I still would like to buy some green beans , say 10 pounds worth. May I send you a US Postal Money Order in payment , if so where to and whom do you wish it made to?
    Thanking you in advance, Dan

    • Hello Dan, I sent you numerous emails with the direct contacts for different growers, farms and exporters in Galapagos who were all waiting for your emails…. so can’t really explain what happened. If you are interested I can still send you these contacts, they are the best places to find out how and where to get hold of your green Galapagos 🙂

  • Hi Maja,
    we are travelling to Galapagos in March 2017 and I was looking for info about Galapagos coffee when I get to your webpage. I would like to ask if you can give us some tips about Galapagos coffee – is it possible to visit some farms / producers, where to buy or taste really good local coffee. We prefer filter coffee so we can feel pure taste of coffee, ideally prepared by unwashed method. Thank you in advance. Eva

    • Hello Eva, thanks for your message and sorry for taking so long to get back to you, it has been a hectic start to the new year! Most of the coffee in the Galapagos is found on the island of San Cristobal, while smaller pockets of production is found at Santa Cruz. There are few bigger farms, but I have known of people and tourists who were able to visit Hacienda El Cafetal at San Cristobal island. As the overall production is small, the possibility of visiting any coffee farm while during harvesting or processing, as well as processing methods can vary greatly from year to year, so ask the locals as soon as you arrive as to how the new harvest is coming along, and try to get in touch with Hacienda El Cafetal, and tell them you are interested in buying some coffee from them directly. It should be possible, with a little bit of with and charm you can get a long way with the friendly and warm Latinos. Good luck, and please let me know what you see, I would love a picture of coffee from you 🙂 Maja

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