NOV 20, 2014 (www.WFP.org)–The lack of rains during July and August this year have affected the food security of more than 35,000 families who grow staple crops, according to a report released by authorities in El Salvador.
During September and October 2014, the Government of El Salvador carried out a field study with the technical support of the World Food Programme (WFP) to assess the impact of the drought among small farmers and their households located in the eastern region, the central coastline and the border.
“WFP is committed to support the Government of El Salvador in its efforts to the fight against hunger and malnutrition, especially in those municipalities and towns that are most vulnerable to the impact of disasters and socio-economic crisis,” said WFP Representative in El Salvador, Dorte Ellehammer.
The study showed that 65% of the small farmers in El Salvador, whose main livelihoods are staple crops, lost their first harvest. This means that 17.086 families–more than 90.000 people–are moderate or severely food insecure. In addition, the study indicates that 18,000 families could be at the risk of becoming food insecure in case the second harvest produces low yields.
Due to this situation, 56% of the families have adopted one or more coping mechanisms, such as selling their farm tools and animals, which will limit their capacity for a long-term recovery.
To mitigate the impact of the drought, WFP is coordinating actions with the Government and strategic partners to provide support to more than 7,000 families who are food insecure in the hardest-hit drought areas.
With the aim of improving the food security of the affected families, WFP and partners will implement food-for-assets activities that will them improve their livelihoods and resilience capacity. The distribution of food vouchers will also be part of the food assistance which will last three months.
See the full report here; http://www.wfp.org/node/3447/4299/644107
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