6651 views April 17, 2016 posted by Maja Wallengren

Ecuador Hit By Massive 7.8 Quake, Coffee Regions Escape Damage But Death Toll Rises To 413, Help Needed


The South American coffee nation of Ecuador was hit by a massive 7.8 earth quake Saturday evening. By Monday the death toll had risen to 413 and over 2,500 were reported injured. SpillingTheBeans appeals to all Coffee Lovers out there to help and donate to the victims of this horrific tragedy. See donation links below.

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APR 17 (SpilingTheBeans)–The quake, which struck just before 7pm, was one of the most powerful quakes to hit Ecuador in decades and more than 15 million across the region felt the tremor. On Sunday Ecuador’s President Rafael Correa declared a national State of Emergency as the death toll continued to rise in the Andean country.

The epicenter of the quake struck just outside the north-western coastal city of Esmeraldas and could be felt as far away as the Colombian capital of Bogota and across southern Colombia. Ecuador’s coffee regions in the northern mountain regions north-east of the capital Quito did not suffer structural damage but the humanitarian disaster is massive.

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Horrifying pictures from the quake in Ecuador show massive damage

SpillingTheBeans have had the privilege to visit coffee regions and farmers in Ecuador several times and have always been impressed by the efforts the local coffee industry and national government have undertaken to revive the sector, expand Robusta production and improve quality of the Arabica coffees. Our heart goes out to the people of Ecuador with our deepest condolences and empathy for all!

We strongly appeal to all our friends in the coffee industry to support the victims in Ecuador by donating to one of these emergency relief funds;





Coffee Producer Magda Zavala At Finca Perla Negra, north-east of Quito in Pichincha region

From the Vatican in Rome, Pope Francis called on the world community to help support the quake victims of Ecuador, as ell as Japan which also has been hit by deadly quakes in the last few days.

“Last night a violent earthquake hit Ecuador, causing numerous victims and great damages,” Francis said. “Let’s pray for those populations, and for those of Japan, where as well there has been some earthquakes in the last days. The help of God and of the brothers give them strength and support.” –Pope Francis

Local officials in Ecuador said the quake damage in the mountains was worsened by the recent heavy rains provoked by the El Niño weather phenomenon which has left roads in bad shape and soils particularly vulnerable for erosion.

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